Three Ways Overpopulation is a Myth

TL;DR: Because Jack Ma and Elon Musk said so.

Jared Wolf
4 min readDec 28, 2020

In sustainability circles, you hear a lot of concern over future baby-making and population growth. Here are three ways overpopulation is a myth.

Sustainable Review Media

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The scoop: Overpopulation is a myth because Jack Ma and Elon Musk said so.

Some talking points for your New Years rant:

  1. Overcrowded cities ≠ overcrowded planet. The entire world population can fit in the state of Texas with the same population density as Manhattan.
  2. Lopsided populations will inevitably occur in modern advanced nations. That means young workers will be unable to support aging populations, causing population declines.
  3. ‘Malthusian traps’ refer to eventual food shortages as a population grows. Either Malthus was right and some of us go hungry naturally (as in we don’t need to artificially halt population growth), or he’s wrong and the population keeps growing sustainably through innovation.

Bottom line: The Earth has plenty to offer for 9 billion mouths. We just need to spread out more.

Dig deeper → 2 min

Overcrowded cities ≠ overcrowded planet

